Energizer Battery Company is a leading manufacturer and distributor of batteries and lighting products. The company was founded in 1896 and has since grown to become a global leader in the battery industry. Energizer is known for its high-quality products, innovative technology, and commitment to sustainability.Energizer offers a wide range of batteries for various applications, including alkaline, lithium, and rechargeable batteries. The company's batteries are used in a variety of devices, including flashlights, toys, remote controls, and medical devices. Energizer's batteries are known for their long-lasting power and reliability, making them a popular choice for consumers and businesses alike.In addition to batteries, Energizer also offers a range of lighting products, including flashlights, lanterns, and headlamps. The company's lighting products are designed for both indoor and outdoor use and are known for their durability and brightness.Energizer is committed to sustainability and has implemented several initiatives to reduce its environmental impact. The company has set a goal to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2040 and has implemented several energy-efficient measures in its manufacturing facilities. Energizer also offers a recycling program for its batteries, allowing consumers to dispose of their used batteries in an environmentally responsible manner.Overall, Energizer Battery Company is a trusted and reliable brand that has been providing high-quality batteries and lighting products for over a century. With its commitment to sustainability and innovative technology, Energizer is well-positioned to continue leading the battery industry for years to come.

+86 13316640182