CAIG Laboratories, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of high-quality electronic maintenance products. The company was founded in 1959 and is headquartered in San Diego, California. CAIG Laboratories, Inc. has been providing innovative solutions to the electronics industry for over 60 years. The company's products are used by professionals and hobbyists alike to clean, protect, and lubricate electronic components. CAIG Laboratories, Inc. offers a wide range of products that are designed to meet the needs of the electronics industry. The company's products include contact cleaners, lubricants, protectants, and degreasers. These products are used to clean and protect electronic components, prevent corrosion, and improve the performance of electronic devices. One of the company's most popular products is DeoxIT®. DeoxIT® is a contact cleaner and rejuvenator that is used to clean and restore electrical contacts. It is available in a variety of formulations, including sprays, wipes, and pens. DeoxIT® is used by professionals in the audio, video, and telecommunications industries to improve the performance of their equipment. Another popular product from CAIG Laboratories, Inc. is ProGold™. ProGold™ is a lubricant and protectant that is used to improve the performance of electronic components. It is available in a variety of formulations, including sprays, wipes, and pens. ProGold™ is used by professionals in the aerospace, automotive, and medical industries to protect and lubricate critical components. CAIG Laboratories, Inc. is committed to providing high-quality products and excellent customer service. The company's products are manufactured in the United States and are sold worldwide. CAIG Laboratories, Inc. has a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing customers with the best possible solutions for their electronic maintenance needs. In conclusion, CAIG Laboratories, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of high-quality electronic maintenance products. The company's products are used by professionals and hobbyists alike to clean, protect, and lubricate electronic components. With over 60 years of experience in the industry, CAIG Laboratories, Inc. is committed to providing innovative solutions to the electronics industry.

+86 13316640182