Pololu Corporation is a leading manufacturer and distributor of electronic components, robotics, and automation products. The company was founded in 2000 by Jan Malášek and his wife, Janice Bradly, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Since then, Pololu has grown to become a trusted name in the electronics industry, with a wide range of products that cater to hobbyists, engineers, and businesses alike. Pololu's product line includes motor controllers, sensors, power supplies, and other electronic components that are used in a variety of applications, including robotics, automation, and prototyping. The company also offers a range of pre-assembled robots and kits that are designed to help users get started with robotics and automation. One of the key strengths of Pololu is its commitment to quality and customer service. The company's products are known for their reliability and durability, and the company offers a comprehensive warranty and support program to ensure that customers are satisfied with their purchases. Pololu also provides extensive documentation and resources to help users get the most out of their products, including detailed datasheets, user guides, and tutorials. In addition to its product line, Pololu is also known for its community involvement and outreach. The company sponsors robotics competitions and events, and provides educational resources and support to schools and universities. Pololu also maintains an active online forum where users can share ideas, ask questions, and get help with their projects. Overall, Pololu Corporation is a company that is dedicated to providing high-quality electronic components and robotics products to customers around the world. With its commitment to quality, customer service, and community involvement, Pololu is a trusted name in the electronics industry, and is poised for continued growth and success in the years to come.

+86 13316640182