M5Stack Technology Co., Ltd. is a leading provider of modular, stackable, and customizable development kits for the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications. The company was founded in 2016 and is headquartered in Shenzhen, China. M5Stack has quickly become a popular choice for developers, makers, and hobbyists who want to build innovative and sophisticated IoT and AI projects. M5Stack's products are based on the ESP32 microcontroller, which is a powerful and versatile chip that supports Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and other communication protocols. The company's flagship product is the M5Stack Core, which is a compact and modular development kit that includes a display, buttons, sensors, and other components. The M5Stack Core can be easily expanded with additional modules, such as cameras, GPS, and environmental sensors, to create a wide range of IoT and AI applications. M5Stack's products are designed to be easy to use and accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical background. The company provides comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and sample code to help users get started with their projects. M5Stack also has a vibrant community of users who share their projects, ideas, and feedback on social media and online forums. M5Stack has received numerous awards and recognition for its innovative products and contributions to the IoT and AI communities. The company has also partnered with leading technology companies, such as Microsoft, to provide integrated solutions for IoT and AI applications. In summary, M5Stack Technology Co., Ltd. is a dynamic and innovative company that is driving the development of IoT and AI technologies. With its modular and customizable development kits, comprehensive documentation, and vibrant community, M5Stack is empowering developers, makers, and hobbyists to create the next generation of smart and connected devices.

+86 13316640182