Pi Supply

Pi Supply is a UK-based company that specializes in creating innovative products for the Raspberry Pi community. The company was founded in 2014 by Aaron Shaw, who was inspired by the Raspberry Pi's potential to revolutionize the world of computing. Since then, Pi Supply has become a leading provider of Raspberry Pi accessories, offering a wide range of products that cater to the needs of hobbyists, educators, and professionals alike. One of Pi Supply's most popular products is the PiJuice, a portable power platform for the Raspberry Pi. The PiJuice allows users to power their Raspberry Pi projects on the go, making it ideal for outdoor activities, remote monitoring, and other applications where a reliable power source is essential. The PiJuice also features a real-time clock and an integrated battery management system, which ensures that the Raspberry Pi is always running at optimal performance. Another popular product from Pi Supply is the JustBoom range of audio products. The JustBoom range includes high-quality audio boards, amplifiers, and speakers that are designed to work seamlessly with the Raspberry Pi. These products are perfect for music enthusiasts, audiophiles, and anyone who wants to enhance their Raspberry Pi projects with high-quality audio. In addition to these products, Pi Supply also offers a range of accessories for the Raspberry Pi, including cases, cables, and sensors. The company is committed to providing high-quality products that are easy to use and affordable, making it accessible to everyone who wants to explore the world of Raspberry Pi. Pi Supply is also actively involved in the Raspberry Pi community, sponsoring events and supporting educational initiatives that promote the use of Raspberry Pi in schools and universities. The company's commitment to education and innovation has earned it a loyal following among Raspberry Pi enthusiasts, who appreciate the company's dedication to creating products that make it easy to explore the full potential of the Raspberry Pi. Overall, Pi Supply is a company that is dedicated to providing innovative products and solutions for the Raspberry Pi community. With its commitment to quality, affordability, and accessibility, Pi Supply is poised to continue leading the way in the world of Raspberry Pi accessories and technology.

+86 13316640182