RMS, short for Risk Management Solutions, is a leading provider of catastrophe risk modeling and analytics for the insurance and reinsurance industry. With over 30 years of experience, RMS has established itself as a trusted partner for companies looking to understand and manage their exposure to natural and man-made disasters.

RMS offers a comprehensive suite of products and services that help insurers and reinsurers assess and quantify their risk from events such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and terrorism. By using advanced modeling techniques and data analytics, RMS is able to provide its clients with valuable insights into the potential impact of these events on their portfolios.

One of the key strengths of RMS is its ability to provide real-time updates and scenario analysis, allowing companies to quickly assess the potential impact of a disaster as it unfolds. This can be crucial in helping insurers and reinsurers make informed decisions about their exposure and take appropriate actions to mitigate risk.

In addition to its modeling capabilities, RMS also offers consulting services to help companies develop and implement effective risk management strategies. This can include everything from portfolio optimization to capital allocation and reinsurance purchasing.

RMS has a global presence, with offices in major insurance hubs around the world, including London, New York, and Singapore. This allows the company to work closely with its clients to tailor solutions to their specific needs and provide ongoing support and guidance.

Overall, RMS is a trusted partner for companies looking to manage their exposure to catastrophic risk. With its advanced modeling capabilities, comprehensive suite of products and services, and global presence, RMS is well-positioned to help insurers and reinsurers navigate the complex world of risk management.

+86 13316640182